Contribution Guide


We welcome contributiuons to QuantumCollocation.jl! This document outlines the guidelines for contributing to the project. If you know what you want to see, but are unsure of the best way to achieve it, add an issue and start a discussion with the community!

Let us know how you are using Piccolo! We enjoy hearing about the problems our users are solving.


We recommend creating a fresh environment, and using the dev command to install QuantumCollocation.jl from source. Adding Revise.jl to this environment allows us to make changes to QuantumCollocation.jl during development, without restarting Julia or notebooks in VSCode.

Here are a few places to think about participating!


  • [ ] cross-referencing to library
  • [ ] adding docstrings, examples, and tests of utilities
  • [ ] examples
    • [ ] two-qubit
    • [ ] cat qubit
    • [ ] three-qubit
    • [ ] qubit-cavity
    • [ ] qubit-cavity-qubit
  • [ ] document type requirements for Constraints, Losses, and Objectives


  • [ ] custom QuantumTrajectory types (repr. of isomorphic states)
  • [ ] better quantum system constructors (e.g. storing composite system info)
  • [ ] refactor Objectives and distinguish from Losses


Documentation is built using Documenter.jl and uses Literate.jl to generate markdown files from scripts stored in docs/literate. To build the documentation locally, start julia with the docs environment:

julia --project=docs

Then (for ease of development) load the following packages:

using Revise, LiveServer, QuantumCollocation

To live-serve the docs, run

servedocs(literate_dir="docs/literate", skip_dir="docs/src/generated")

Changes made to files in the docs directory should be automatically reflected in the live server. To reflect changes in the source code (e.g. doc strings), since we are using Revise, simply kill the live server running in the REPL (with, e.g., Ctrl-C) and restart it with the above command.

Writing tests

Tests are implemented using the TestItemRunner.jl package.

@testitem "Hadamard gate" begin
    H_drift, H_drives = GATES[:Z], [GATES[:X], GATES[:Y]]
    U_goal = GATES[:H]
    T = 51
    Δt = 0.2

    prob = UnitarySmoothPulseProblem(
        H_drift, H_drives, U_goal, T, Δt,

    solve!(prob, max_iter=100)
    @test unitary_fidelity(prob) > 0.99

Individual tests will populate in the Testing panel in VSCode. All tests are integrated into the base test system for CI, which occurs at each PR submission.

We organize our tests in two ways:

  1. Modules in single files (e.g. quantum_utils.jl, direct_sums.jl) should have a single test file in the test/ directory.
  2. Module directories containing templates (e.g. quantum_system_templates/, problem_templates/) should include tests in the same file that the template is defined, so problem_templates/unitary_smooth_pulse_problem.jl includes the test items for UnitarySmoothPulseProblem.

Reporting Issues

Issue templates are available on GitHub. We are happy to take feature requests!